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As long as the Cyprus banking crisis doesn't become a contagion, oil prices should be supported at current levels, says Gordon Kwan of Mirae Asset. RE. Oil (Brent) Price Per 1 Liter 0.41 USD 1 Barrel = 336 Pint Oil (Brent) Price Per 1 Pint 0.20 USD 2021-04-21 · One of the most notable times for the Brent Crude Oil Spot Price was in 2008. Prices for Brent Crude reached as high as $143.95/barrel because of large cuts in production. However, because of the financial crisis and an abrupt loss of demand for oil globally, the price of Brent Crude fell as much at 70% off highs in January of 2009. Brent Crude Oil Spot Price is at a current level of 66.54, up from 65.98 the previous market day and up from 19.75 one year ago. Brent Oil is also known as London Brent or North Sea Oil. It originates from the fields which were named by Shell and ExxonMobil after the Brent Goose (All their exploration fields were named after birds).

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Find natural gas, emissions, and crude oil price changes. Performance charts for DNB - ETN Brent (BRENT - Type ETF) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. Index performance for Bloomberg Brent Crude Subindex (BCOMCO) including value, chart, profile & other market data. Get updated commodity futures prices. Find information about commodity prices and trading, and find the latest commodity index comparison charts.

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7,000.08. Get updated data about energy and oil prices. Find natural gas, emissions, and crude oil price changes. BLOOMBERG BRENT CRUDE : Stock quote, stock chart, quotes, analysis, advice, financials and news for index BLOOMBERG BRENT CRUDE | Autre: | Autre More information is available in the different sections of the Bloomberg Brent Crude page, such as: historical data, charts, technical analysis and others.

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Brentoljan noterades samtidigt till 39:37 dollar per fat i London, motsvarande en uppgång på 1 dollar. Toby Hassall, på Commodity Warrants Australia, prisutvecklingen för Bloomberg News. Guld, spot 14:49 USD 883:80 USD Här kan man följa oljepriset: http://oil-price.net/index.php?lang=en Den 3 november meddelade Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) i USA att man avser köpa på Brent-råolja på 86,6 US-dollar per fat, vilket är nästan 11 procent högre än i början av året. På Källor: Bloomberg, Reuters och ECB:s beräkningar. Prices, output, demand and labour markets. HICP1).

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gas prices which have also been under pressure recently, with spot prices for LNG hovering near record lows of USD 3 / mmbtu. Source: Bloomberg, 09.03.20. Oil Future. BL. Brent blend crude oil. Intraday.