Oboya Horticulture Industries AB: Oboya deltar i China


Oboya Horticulture receives new order in China

556362-3197, med säte i Västra Götalands län, kallas härmed till extra bolagsstämma den 4 augusti 2020 kl. 11.00 i bolagets lokaler på Flöjelbergsgatan 20 C, 431 37 Mölndal. Oboya Horticulture Industries är en helhetsleverantör av produkter inom odlingsindustrin. Koncernens produktutbud innefattar förpackningar, krukor och brätten, gödningsmedel och växtnäring, samt diverse logistiklösningar. Oboya Horticulture aims to become a world-leading total supplier of products and services in the cultivation industry.

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Homepage. Product groups. Technology · The stand in the  7 Nov 2018 Oboya signs major strategic cooperation agreement in China. Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) has signed a major strategic cooperation.

Oboya was visited by the International Garden Center

Oboya initiates Oboya Horticulture senarelägger årsstämman 2021 20 Apr 2021 Årsstämman i Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ.) (”bolaget”) kommer att hållas tisdagen den 22 juni 2021 kl. 10.00 i stället för tidigare beslutat datum den 20 maj 2021. OBOYA Horticulture industries AB is a Swendish based manufacturer and distribution company with factories in Denmark,Poland,China and Kenya From this production base ,we have developent into a global customer service company with additional sales offices in Canadn£¬South Amercian£¬Europe and China Oboya Horticulture Industries AB was registered in Stenkullen, Sweden. The company code is 556362-3197.

Oboya Horticulture Industries publ : INTERIM REPORT JAN

And it became a global enterprise listed on the Stockholm stock exchange in Sweden in 2014. The securities code is SE0006259834, and the stock : Oboya B. The company is a flowers, vegetable planting system supporting service providers. Oboya deltar i China International Import Expo tor, nov 01, 2018 15:00 CET. Nyhetsbrev Lerum, 1 november 2018.

10.00 i stället för tidigare beslutat datum den 20 maj 2021. Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) (“Oboya”) has through its wholly-owned subsidiary Oboya Metal Qingdao Co., Ltd. in Qingdao, China, signed an agreement to sell a production property.
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Oboya Horticulture Industries är en helhetsleverantör av produkter inom odlingsindustrin. Koncernens produktutbud innefattar förpackningar, krukor och brätten, gödningsmedel och växtnäring, samt diverse logistiklösningar. Oboya Horticulture aims to become a world-leading total supplier of products and services in the cultivation industry.

Oboya Horticulture makes major investment in China (in Swedish) Oboya Horticulture's Norwegian subsidiary Vefi A/S receives order of approximately MNOK 8 (in Swedish) Liquidity guarantee agreement is terminated (in Swedish) Oboya Horticulture senarelägger årsstämman 2021 (in Swedish) 20 Apr 2021 Årsstämman i Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ.) (”bolaget”) kommer att hållas tisdagen den 22 juni 2021 kl. 10.00 i stället för tidigare beslutat datum den 20 maj 2021. Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ.) ansöker om förlängd rekonstruktion (in Swedish) Oboya Horticulture Industries skickar ut ackordsförslag (in Swedish) Oboya Horticulture Industries säljer VEFI A/S och VEFI Europa Sp.z.o.o (in Swedish) November. Interim report Jan-Sep 2020 (in Swedish) Oboya sells production property in China and releases SEK 38.4 million Thu, Sep 05, 2019 09:00 CET. Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) (“Oboya”) has through its wholly-owned subsidiary Oboya Metal Qingdao Co., Ltd. in Qingdao, China, signed an agreement to sell a production property.
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Oboya Horticulture Industries AB publ. - Spotlight Stock Market

Denna sidan använder cookies, genom att fortsätta godkänner du användandet av cookies. About Oboya Horticulture Industries AB. Oboya Horticulture aims to develop into a world-leading total supplier in daily consumables and logistics products to the cultivation industry as well as consumer products for home cultivation and indoor environments. Production takes place in factories in China, Vietnam and Poland.

Oboya Horticulture Industries: OBOYA HORTICULTURE

Oboya group including oboya horticulture industries Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) has through its wholly owned subsidiary Oboya Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd in Qingdao, China, received a new greenhouse order from Xiexin Duoli Agricultural Development Co., Ltd in China. Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) has recently through its wholly owned subsidiary Oboya Metal Products Co. Ltd. ("The Company") received a state-owned innovation contribution of approximately 300 TCNY, equivalent to approximately 348 TSEK, to establish an innovation and technology center at the company's premises in Qingdao, China. Oboya Horticulture starts new business in packaging for fruit, vegetables and flowers (in Swedish) March. Oboya Horticulture makes major investment in China (in Swedish) Oboya Horticulture's Norwegian subsidiary Vefi A/S receives order of approximately MNOK 8 (in Swedish) Liquidity guarantee agreement is terminated (in Swedish) Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) ("Oboya") initiates the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary Oboya Metal Products Co., Ltd.`s production plant and land in Qingdao, China. Oboya initiates Oboya Horticulture senarelägger årsstämman 2021 20 Apr 2021 Årsstämman i Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ.) (”bolaget”) kommer att hållas tisdagen den 22 juni 2021 kl. 10.00 i stället för tidigare beslutat datum den 20 maj 2021.

Oboya group including oboya horticulture industries Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) has through its wholly owned subsidiary Oboya Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd in Qingdao, China, received a new greenhouse order from Xiexin Duoli Agricultural Development Co., Ltd in China. Oboya Horticulture Industries AB (publ) has recently through its wholly owned subsidiary Oboya Metal Products Co. Ltd. ("The Company") received a state-owned innovation contribution of approximately 300 TCNY, equivalent to approximately 348 TSEK, to establish an innovation and technology center at the company's premises in Qingdao, China. Oboya Horticulture starts new business in packaging for fruit, vegetables and flowers (in Swedish) March.