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Single-Photon Counting Modules - Excelitas DigiKey

The LynXéa time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) module performs lifetime and time-resolved measurements of any low light and fast events in the NIR. Measurements range from 0 to 250 ns at up to 0.4 million counts/s with a time resolution of 90 ps. SPC-150E, TCSPC Module ISS utilizes the high performance SPC-series of cards by Becker and Hickl for Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) data acquisition. Inserted in the PCI bus of the computer, the card features a high resolution time bin (813 fs) and on-board constant fraction discriminators for the photon signal and TCSPC Lifetime Fluorometer. High performance and flexible fluorescence lifetime spectrometer for fast and efficient acquisition of TCSPC lifetime data.

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PicoQuant Stand-alone TCSPC Module with USB Interface – PicoHarp 300. The PicoHarp 300 is a high-end, easy to use, plug and play Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) system. It is connected to a PC through a USB 2.0 interface. For fluorescence decay times exceeding 150 ps, the instrument can be used in time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) mode to measure kinetic traces in the 200 ps – 2 μs range.

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The ultralow-noise and high-quantum-efficiency 900- to 1700-nm device includes a Geiger-mode InGaAs avalanche photodiode and thermoelectric coolers that ensure high detection efficiency of up to 25%. The PicoHarp 300 is a high-end, easy to use, plug and play Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) system. It is connected to a PC through a USB 2.0 interface.

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Instrument Response Functions (IRFs) Instrument response functions measured at 785 nm are shown in fig. 2. The response was measured at a count rate of 5 MHz, 2.7 MHz, and 62 kHz. Fig. 2: IRF at 785 nm. SPC-150N TCSPC FLIM Module The SPC-150N time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) module from Becker and Hickl (B&H) is a TCSPC imaging and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) module for laser scanning microscopes.

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Eight-Channel TCSPC Module. To fulfill the requirements of modern multichannel TCSPC applications, an 8-channel TCSPC module prototype, which can eventually be easily scaled up, has been developed by the PoliMi group.

Fig. 3: Fluorescence of human skin, measured by multi-wavelength TCSPC. Excitation wavelength 405 nm, excitation power 60 µW   TCSPC - moduł umożliwia prowadzenie pomiarów zaniku fluorescencji w przedziale od 150 ps do 50 μs; NIRA - moduł do pomiarów w bliskiej podczerwieni  Splitting the light into several detectors connected to independent TCSPC modules proportionally increases the counting capability. Of course, multi- module  Becker & Hickl is technology leader in equipment for photon counting. Indeed, an ultra-fast pulse generator embedded in the module allows to enable and to be used in a Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting (TCSPC) setu.
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High-end TCSPC Module. DPC-230. 16 Channel Photon Counter.

DiVA - Sökresultat - DiVA Portal

SPC-150N TCSPC FLIM Module The SPC-150N time correlated single photon counting (TCSPC) fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) module from Becker and Hickl (B&H) is a TCSPC imaging and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) module for laser scanning microscopes. In TCSPC mode, kinetics from a few picoseconds can be measured using a high repetition rate source. TCSPC modules are generally available in two forms: with an Analogue-to-Digital Convertor which can have high temporal resolution, but may suffer from lower acquisition speed; or, with a Time-to-Digital Convertor (TDC) which has higher acuisition speed but at the expense of a reduced temporal SPC-150E, TCSPC Module ISS utilizes the high performance SPC-series of cards by Becker and Hickl for Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) data acquisition. Inserted in the PCI bus of the computer, the card features a high resolution time bin (813 fs) and on-board constant fraction discriminators for the photon signal and ID220 Single-Photon Detector Module TCSPC at Wavelengths from 900nm to 1700nm We describe picosecond time-resolved optical signal recording in the spectral range from 900 nm to 1700 nm. The system consists of an ID Quantique ID220 InGaAs SPAD, a bh SPC-150 TCSPC device, and a B&H BDS-SM 1064 nm ps diode laser. ID220 Single-Photon Detector Module TCSPC originates from the measurement of excited nuclear states and has been used since t Our store has a featured set of products; not all products are shown. If you need assistance or do not see a product you are looking for contact us at 617-566-3821 or boselec@boselec.com or visit our web site at www.boselec.com.

2. The module employs an advanced TCSPC technique featuring both high count rate and low differential nonlinearity. It contains the ID Quantique’s quantum solutions From individual components to fully integrated solutions for practical, real-world industrial applications, ID Quantique’s customers benefit from a wide range of quantum technologies.